Surprise exhibition! Only for one evening!
It is my honor to present a series of tree paintings at the "Tiferet Binyamin" Synagogue tomorrow, Sunday, the evening of Tu Beshvat, February 5, 2023.
Here is the text I wrote for the exhibition:
A special exhibition in honor of Tu Beshvat, 5.2.23
Netta Canfi, painter and resident of Binyamina-Givat Ada, presents a series of paintings of trees and local nature.
"Tiferet Binyamin" Synagogue, Binyamina.
Tu Beshvat and winter are a period of beginnings and renewal, the season in which in our sunny land everything blooms and grows.
This is an opportunity to examine the relationship between wild nature and the nature we shape in the service of man.
In the paintings shown in the exhibition, tell both about plantings new trees in the wild oak reserve, and about plastic nets that protect the delicate blossoms of the peach trees.
The white nets wrap the trees and create a protected area around them, semi-transparent but covering at the same time, and they resemble a bride's veil.
On the other hand, in another painting, a thorny forest twists and turns and seems like an animal trying to break into the area of the plowed, orderly field.
The landscape around the colonies has a special character of agricultural activity that exists in combination with the wild nature in which it has been planted.
We wish them another hundred years of activity and harmony, prosperity and peace.
Happy planting!