100 paintings-starts Challenge update:
Most days I get up early enough, get the gear, find a spot within a few minutes walking distance and paint.
Winter has made an appearance and so one day I just stood under the garage roof and painted the loquat tree, and the day next was really bad and I skipped a day.
You can follow the daily updates on my Instagram account, or wait for the weekly summery in the Studio Updates Newsletter :)
Here are this week's efforts:
No. 3 was really fun, I loved how it all looks like a big bouquet:
Had a technical fail with No. 4 here; I ran out of the Fabriano Oil paper and painted on canvas instead, but I taped it with the wrong side up!
Couldn't understand why it was so absorbent and the paint won't spread on properly. This is where I left it, to fight another day.
No. 5: Back to standing in full sunlight. i got there early enough to catch the shadow pattern of the nets on the gravel road:
No.6: A rainy day. Stood under the garage roof and painted the loquat tree with the derelict little car parked under it.
Had only warm tones on my pallet, I should have though of replacing the primaries with their cooler version. Next winter then LOL
Next week I will be painting in the neighboring town, Binyamina, and maybe this little exercise will become an Art Project in its own right!
Stay tuned :)
Would you like to have one of these sketches?
They are available for the modest price of 65USD (Shipping not included).
If so, please contact me :)